The Biosolids program at Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority creates a nutrient-rich, organic material which is used to improve production as well as soil conditions in crop and rangeland. This process has been used for over seven decades in the United States. At PCWRA the byproduct of our wastewater treatment is a raw sludge consisting of nutrients and organic matter. The raw sludge is fed to an aerobic digester. Aerobic digestion reduces the volume of organic matter and pathogenic organisms. After the digestion process, the solids are fed into dewatering centrifuge that separates the water from the solids using centrifugal force. The water that is removed during this process is called “centrate”. The centrate is then returned to the head of the plant to be treated along with the incoming wastewater. The dewatered biosolids are loaded into trucks which are then taken to one of many permitted sites. The biosolids are tested to ensure that they meet all the EPA and CDPHE requirements regarding trace elements and pathogens. Our contract hauler, Veris Environmental then applies the biosolids to the permitted fields to ensure the proper agronomic rates set by the EPA and CDPHE. PCWRA has a long-standing contract with Veris Environmental to transport and apply our biosolids to these state permitted sites.